Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Toddler Activity: III

Hi everyone!

How is your Diwali cleaning going? Have you raided homecentre and the likes already or is your Diwali shopping still due? If so, run! It’s only getting more crowded with every passing day. 

Anyway this post is not about Diwali, it is about our favourite topic these days; toddler activities. With the festive season going strong I am sure we parents do not have too much time and energy to put in, in an activity and yet we want our kids to be gadget free for as long as possible.

 So today I will share with you three activities that require no investment. The material required for these is readily available in any household.

1. Gram/bean sorting: 
What you need: three bowls and a mix of beans/grams (black and white grams, red kidney beans/small white beans)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Toddler Activity: II (Pom poms)

Hello hello hello!

The festive season is here! Do not we just love the vibe of this time of the year? The weather in the capital has got better. Diwali party invites are pouring in (even though I still have not attended one yet!). 

What remains constant is my everyday activity with the squirrel. Since my insta stories (instagram handle: my.little.diary) is getting such a good response from other mothers, it motivated me to come back to the blog this soon again. 

In this post I am going to share three activities with the same set of Pom Poms. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Toddler Activity: I

I am writing a post probably after ages. I have been a little caught up. Anyway without further excuses I will just continue this post.

So, if you are following me on instagram you would already know that I have recently been posting a lot of toddler activities. I have been engaging adira in similar activities since she turned one. However, I have started sharing them so much only recently. 

A handful of my followers (and I only have a few followers) suggested me to write about these activities and hence this post.

I am going to share three activities today that I did with my two year old.

1. Shape Popsicles:                                          
Material needed: a cardboard box, sketch pen, coloured paper, cutter and glue.
#take a box ( I used the cap of a shoe box) and make a triangle, a square and a circle on it.                                                                            # Cut out these shapes and colour them ( I used already coloured sheets that adira had used earlier to save paper)
             # stick the shapes on the popsicle sticks.
             # make cuts on the shoe box against each shape to insert the popsicle stick.
             # let your child insert the sticks as per the shape. 

      2. Alphabet Recognition: 
Material Needed: 13 post it notes, 26 popsicle sticks, sketch pen, a cardboard box, cutter and glue.

# take a box and write alphabets A-Z on it. 
# take a post it note, fold it into half and then cut it from the centre to get two small cards. 
# write the letter on the front of the card, and draw something starting from that inside the card.
# do the same for all the letters. 
# stick these cards on the popsicle sticks.
# make a cut on top of each letter and let your child insert the letter stick against the match alphabet.
# also ask them what is drawn inside the card. 

Note: I used the same shoe box for the above two activities. For the first activity I used the cap and for the second activity I used the other part of the box.

3. Animal matching: 
          material needed: animal cut outs, post it notes, rubber/plastic/wooden toy animals.

# stick the animal cutouts with table on any table or wall.
# fill a bowl with water and put the plastic/rubber toys in it. The wooden toys can be kept in a basket.
# let the child match the toy animal with the cutouts.

You can repeat this activity with vegetables and fruits also.

I hope these activities help to keep your child busy. If the child doesn’t show interest do not give up. Keep trying! Also do not do all these activities at a single go. Introduce one new activity everyday. Besides that let your child indulge in colouring, pretend play or just freestyle play.
Don’t forget to show some love for this post.