
Friday, April 18, 2014

Tried and Tested Home Remedies for Tanning

image source: google

The summer is here and it brings with it the most common problem; tanning. I come across various solutions for this problem in beauty magazines and online sites but some remedies work and most of them fail. Since I have grown up with a grandfather who looked no less than a model in his youth, I have always been updated with easy to follow beauty tips at home to maintain the charm.

So I thought to bring my readers some respite by sharing the home-remedies for tanning that I have tried, tested and seriously swear by.

image source: google
1.       The power of red: TOMATOES--> Yes, tomatoes. They work wonders for a tan. Take a tomato, just cut it into half and rub it on your face and neck in circular motion. When the top dries a bit, give it a little squeeze, the juices will come to the top. Rub again. After 2 minutes of rubbing, leave the red pulp on your face for 10 minutes. Wash your face with cold water. And tadaaaa! Your face looks quite better already. Repeat for a day or two if the tan is a stubborn one. Another benefit of rubbing a tomato on the face is that it helps to peel off that ugly sunburn from your nose. I am sure you have had that at some point of time. Atleast I did, during a    rafting trip to Rishikesh.

image source:google
2.       Not just for the couch, also for the face: POTATOES--> The juice of potatoes works great not just for a tan but also for those under eye dark circles that you’ve formed after working relentlessly for the last few nights. Just grate a potato and squeeze the juices out. Apply the juice with a cotton ball on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Take a power nap if required. Repeat this for a few days and you’ll get your lovely complexion back.

image source:google
       No this won’t form cheese: RAW MILK and LEMON--> Generally the mixture of boiling milk and lemon gives us a yummy home-made cottage cheese. But if you take some raw milk and add to it a few drops of lemon it works amazingly for the tan. Just apply a layer of this mixture on your face. Let it dry. Apply another layer. Let it dry. Then apply the third and the last layer. When it almost dries up rub your face. And you’ll get strands of built up dirt and tan. EEWWW! I know….But you won’t react that way because you will see a beautiful, cleaner you in the mirror.

Since I have always believed that precaution is better than cure. I request you to apply a sunscreen lotion (SPF 15-30) before you get out. Wear a lovely hat/cap to protect your head and hair. Flaunt those sunglasses that you’ve shoved in one corner of that little drawer.

And if you do not have these….

HELLO!!! You just got a reason to go out and shop! *wink*

my no less than a model nanu (grandfather)


  1. Everyone needs these. I just wish they come in tubes easy to use :(

    1. true, i know sometimes we feel too lazy to grab a tomato from the refrigerator or bend down to pick a potato from the basket and juice it up but the fact is that when it comes to these remedies there is nothing better than the fresh stuff
